Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Artist Series ngs ground to stretc

 Eyes Shu ground closes tightly.Again open.This winks of.The world unexpectedly has already changed shape.Gold one hopes sky stars.A .It is noiselessly a burst of point to whistle to send out from the chest.
Of world.108 money respond to at the same time!It is 72 at the ground.The voice that toghter send out gold iron to flap to blare.Take concerted action.In a twinkling combine.Constituted a to lay a net on the diffused earth.Round up all at one fell swoop country geography.That sea change geologic change turns immediately and slow down.But in 36 in the sky.Looked for back to dominate while then signing.Shout a point to whistle the electricity shoot but go to toward the Gang star of the sky.
Gold a is rejoicing oneself meet an emergency quickly, abrupt however feel that the point roar in the chest breaks continuously and uncertain, good have what invisible of strength's Shi Fa in the interference itself is general, lift up head one everywhere river's mountain of hoping, sees those 72 money unexpectedly the Er is suddenly concealed suddenly now, contact between each other like unique connect.
"This is the enemy of anti- make, allowing of no me calmly BE!Bore square elder brother, don't want stingy cherish, instill divine power quickly and quickly!"A noodles calls, gold an immediately display huge work properly to change, contains a bodhi son, the body immediately starts growing up, in the blink of an eye, then from the man body of five Chinese feet, turn to make a shoulder to arrive high mountain, the giant of feet trip river's river, and still and just and constantly grow up!
The first time displays the magical power of method natural phenomena ground with all strength, gold one feels that the whole body could not say(the not yet finished treat continuously and know that how funeral affairs is such as the desire, please land www..CN, the cellular phone customer lands wap..Cn, the chapter is more, please land literature net reading!)
Of thrilling, hope the country of foot to continuously diminish, but the stars of top of head is more and more near, proper just in the world difference change once dint and humble feeling of the having no of that in front livings sweep but get empty, but feel stretch hand can take off stars, raising the feet can turn over high mountain, forbid not to live to give a long whistle a , the anti- hand takes out iron staff, aweather in a flash, that iron staff follows body to continuously grow up and afraid not thousand Zhangs long, raising hand a Liao then can support to break a sky.
"The good boy, indeed as expected some skills, unexpectedly can use the method of method natural phenomena ground!"Exchange blows into this, however in a moment of, both parties already several returns, that Lu livings to arrive at this time just
Voice, good feel the opponent being rare, taking more three to divide a pleased idea in the words:"The T3 wants to break with this skill my country star Dou big, that is the crazy idea!Come, the world is limitless, big way invisible!"
Gold an at present on spending, but see sky those 100001000 starses in, there are severals unexpectedly having already flown to can not control feelings ground to stretch hand to catch nearby, which know those starses have innate intelligence generally, once the in a flash turn, from he at hand slip pass by.
"What a guy!"When gold one mind signed drive this a few starses to draw on, the battle wears a body to devote major efforts strong, a feet's exceeding is several inside ground, the Teng body started to jump white cloud to surround between each waist and flew body facing those starses made track for pass by.Saying is also strange, he the body compare world at the moment, the breath becomes common practice,Beats Solo HD, but anyway cans not catch those starses.
The breeze of ear side roars and shouts but leads, whole everythings are silently and far going, gold one Hun however don't feel, in eye leaves those very naughty starses, left hand a flick ten thousand inside strong breeze, once the right hand recruit fast ratio thunder and lightning, milli- Li exert surroundings hello in a few starses, but always differ, often blunder away 1:00.
"Is damned!"Gold a great anger, make every effort the physical strength of urging the whole body, 72 change of various sort variety in succession use, the eye is like duck hawk, back livings a double wing, the iron staff in hand is as one pleases to change, a suddenly the son become iron net, a suddenly the son become iron Shao, an idea as long as with one action take down this a few starses.
Unconscious, the lotus of gold one heart has already in multiple layers bloomed, continuously the Xin joss-stick Mi spreads at in court place, compare any all wanted at a time formely to get heavy fragrant.But this time, imitate a Buddha to have strength of invisible covered up a gold an of the man's natural character really work properly, let this lotus of fragrant can not influence his mind at all, persistently deeply drunk in the process of pursuing, at will soon get to and then lose again of expectation and dispirited on the prowl.
Is again another prospects in the middle of going together a public eye, gold one body didn't become big, around also have no variety, just that starlight on the sky imitates a Buddha to gradually come together in his body, Chen get he the whole body is more and more bright.But, if is small and soft on seeing, will discover, bright of just he nearby of the starlight just, gold one my body then at reflecting of starlight Chen under more and more dark, gradually not ability Bian.
"Damn, this Lu's livingsing to peep to break gold brothers is the key person that our this trip breaks and all concentrated the attack varieties of strategies to in his body!If can not get away from and counter-attack again, afraiding of the gold brothers will be shot by this mind, all become walking corpse from cradle to the grave!"Yang Su after all immerses Yin this line already a long time and sees this strange appearance,cheap dr dre beats, slightly a wonder and then realize joint place.
Realize to is to realize, but want the Dou is at the country star big under counter-attack, talk what easy?
That Lu livingsed to unexpectedly hear talking of Yang Su, cachinnation way:"Counter-attack?Here is that I wait 32 Shu the private grasp the life of starting the emperor set up, take a lot of time for 30 years, the world sun and moon mountain and stream exerts into one Zhang!A go into me this, the life and death all is held to a my hand, all of this worlds are what I control ins, how do you succeed in escaping?"
Li Da Dun Bai at part also in the get excited, listenned to Lu Sheng's this words, suddenly province rise what, lose a track:"The history carries and starts the emperor's Ling in the Li mountain,Artist Series, from the jump year of beginning of emperor then start delivering man count 100,000 camps cure, descend wear three springs, use the mercury as 100 Chuan oceans, the world sun and moon mountain range all has elephant but tiny …… , say not to is to start emperor Ling, but here?Again or ……here be start emperor Ling?!"
The Lu in"ha ha ha ……" livings and is a burst of cachinnation, just this laughter in whole have no the least bit Xin Yue, many several cent, the Cang is cool and grief and indignation:"Start an emperor ……start an emperor!Small generations, how do you know my difficulty of these 1,000 in the last yearses?"
"Not to, if the historical records here and really starts emperor Ling without any error, so this Lu's livinging originally should early leave to start an emperor but go and just caused the case of pit scholar, how can the darling is here for start an emperor to guard Ling?Besides he is just proper from the report family, says here is a sand dune to leave a temple, don't lift what start emperor Ling."Yang Su pulls Li Da Dun Bai's hand, a noodles speech answers criticism, one noodles but wrote a word at him.
Li Da Dun Bai slightly on wondering, then feel is a "Ren" a word, in the heart a move:"The Ren enjoys mountain, wiser happy water!The brothers that is proper to just wake gold up with a Zhi word, this Ren word pours to try and see at this time and just after all have no how much confidence ……does "mouth top but should wear" sand dune leave a temple?That isn't to start an emperor for 37 years, cruises infected incurable, finally pass away of place?"
Having no confidence must also try, Yang Su at the time like this names him to make moves, that is to force have no way, covers with the whole country star fighting methods here under, what can the few teachers that know Yang Su and his under charge in the sky make?
Who know, that Lu livings probably drive this topic to stimulate, an anti- proper just alarmed, beginning talkatively complains, just his words in many don't exert dishonest place, usually said severals again live not say, also not know is afraid reveal what secret still another have what have scruples about.
Li Da Dun Bai and Yang Sus are all learned generation, to thousand year previous Qin Dynasty the old matter is literally to be more almost lousy familiar than chest, pick up language of a few historical recordses how the old matter riddle regiment of not known come out and then lead Lu Sheng accept not to shut up, the variety of strategies invisibly slow some.
Li Da Dun Bai sees opportune moment have been already arrived, is just wanting Shi Fa, abrupt however gold a that is wrapped up by the starlight, already will be dark not it is thus clear that of body in, suddenly and violently project one regiment golden light, brilliant compare to the sun very hot fire!Chapter 34 is over(the not yet finished treat continuously, such as the desire know that how funeral affairs is, please land www**m, the chapter is more, support author, support original reading!)

Text the third war Chang-an the milli- hair of chapter 35 old
Renew time:2009-9-1716:29:09 chapter word numbers:3294

Have no in the unreal exert the ground pursue, don't know weariness, don't know slack, gold an already T oneself body is where, forget horary passage, even forget own existence, of world, imitate Buddha everythings all have been already disappeared, leaves that seems to be never to be within the reach of of stars.
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